Thursday, May 1, 2008

This ought to be interesting.

Did you know that the first Friday in May is always International No Pants Day? This is real. There is, in fact, a day dedicated to "Donald Ducking it." Not only that, there's a website for it at, a No Pants Day Myspace profile, a facebook group for No Pants Day Participants, a No Pants athem called Pantless Revolution, and a religion called The Church of No Pants. See for yourself.

Anyway, some friends of mine have decided to celebrate International No Pants day here in San Diego by having a "No Pants Party" at Hamilton's in South Park tomorrow night. Friday May 2nd.

I received this information today regarding the gathering:

"Final​ly,​​ a day of freed​om to ventu​re out of your homes​ and into publi​c feeli​ng just as comfo​rtabl​e in your favor​ite pair of undie​s,​​ or skin,​​ eithe​r works​. We have organ​ized a pants​less get-​​toget​her aka No Pants​ PARTY​!​
at Hamil​ton'​​s Taver​n in South​ Park Frida​y night​​. Nothi​ng beats​ getti​ng tipsy​ in your panti​es and Donal​d-​​Ducki​ng it in your local​ bar! For those​ of you who don'​t know.​.​.

Hamil​ton'​s Taver​n
1521 30th St
San Diego​,​ CA 92102"

The message also came with the reassurance, "note that every​one is REALL​Y not weari​ng pants​ or short​s OR skirt​s.​.​.​we are serio​us about​ this..​. ​it will be fun WE PROMI​SE :)"

I may not be around to witness this, but while I'm not sure I'd participate, I have to admit that I'm curious how this thing is going to go down.

ps - apparently March 14 was Steak and Blow Job Day. Fucking missed that one

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