Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I am disturbed.

I am substituting for a high school History class. Apparently, the teacher did not expect to be sick today. There are no lesson plans whatsoever, and it's the first day of the semester. This sucks considering they are on a block schedule and each class is an hour and fifty minutes long. There's a TV in the classroom, and an interesting show keeps the kids behaved. So, I just let the kids watch whatever they wanted. All the previous classes had decided on the Cartoon Network, or Nickelodeon. So, during the last period of the day I started reading a bit and stopped paying attention to what they were watching until I heard an Adolescents song in the background of an episode of Wildboyz.  Shit, all I need is for the kids to come back and tell their teacher that they watched an Chameleon eat a bug out of Knoxville's ass, or Steve-o shooting mezcal and eating the worm, or Pontius trimming ass hair from his bikini line. Awesome. I'm a terrible sub. Later, a group of students had been sitting in a circle talking. When I changed the channel, the volume on the next program got much quieter, but their game of "never have I ever" didn't . What the fuck is going on....

I can't believe I get paid for this shit. 

May the lord have mercy on the next generation.

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